The order you should do things is like this: -update to 1.50 -install missing dlc -remove all traces of the old AIO if you had it installed -install new bepinex AIO -Optionally delete system. After a bit more investigating it seems thats not the case, this is a different game, this is the sequel to Custom Maid 3D 2. Overview The core gameplay loop consists of the following steps. Ok so just a heads up, i originally asked if this was the same as Custom Maid 3D 2, and it seems everyone here believes that it is, but with added dlc. DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx (56. Downgrading to 1.48 was a big mistake and is likely to have compromised the game installation. Contents Overview System Requirements Download Installation Guide Screen ShotsCustom maid 3d 2 is a Japanese H game created by Kiss.Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (63.5 KiB).Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (755.0 KiB).*Because of the large amount of presets it has been included as a zip file. Presets of various NPCs from Act 3 (Extracted from the game's files.) Uncle's Maid (Extracted from the game's files.) *106 Official Presets (Maids used in the game's advertising.)
(This allows you to install future updates and DLC and is optional.) Run the included set_install_directory.bat file within the /CM3D2/ folder to add the game's installation information to your registry. Copy the folder /CM3D2/ to anywhere on your computer that you'd like.ģ. Characters are fully voiced and you can choose their personalities. The highly customizable 3D builder gives players endless possibilities. This title will allow you to build a maid perfect for your tastes. Set your computer's locale to Japanese.Ģ. MangaGamer has announced that CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 is out now on. Sybaris Starter Pack: !YigFVIpJ!59v1WuYC-zkdQjVhl3mBumxUyN8F9JCthCyB9myILyYġ.

As a fair warning, please don’t use the Hongfire Patch with this version as it is over a year old and will break your game.
If you need mod support or translations please consider getting the Sybaris AIO or Sybaris Starter Pack.

The modders can add some more options as long as they can have a file to mod for Master customization. Just give us an option to choose 1 or 2 outfits and 1-3 types of faces for the Master. The customization options does not have to be as vast as to Maid Customization. It is ideal for people wanting to try the game for the first time (but don’t want to spend hours installing DLC) and for veteran players who need a fresh reinstall. Q1.Please consider adding a Master Customization. This is a torrent that contains the latest version of Custom Maid 3D 2(version 1.51.1) and with all of the game’s DLC preinstalled.