But it has its own charm in the crazy characters of the college, the topsy turvy lives of the leads, and most of all, the N.Hale college, which is a small world in itself.Mac & Devin Go to High School is a 2012 Americandirect-to-DVDstoner film. The friendship as it should be taught by the leads, and the happy go lucky, carefree philosophy most would never be able to use in their lives. And that is the innocence beneath all the cannabis and swears. You are able to grasp the absolute core, the innermost quality that it has what most Oscar winning movies don't. There is a reason you are asked to be "medicated" while watching this short film. And that's the camaraderie between Wiz and Snoop dogg, the fun times they share together, and the unflinching loyalty that their friendship has. Yeah its not visually "stunning", yes its script is minimal, yes it has first time actor Wiz Khalifa as the lead actor, but its understated charm lies somewhere else entirely. A deeper philosophy than what most might be able to grasp. I saw it 6 times with different friends each time and every single person absolutely loved it. It's Wiz and Snoop Dogg's rap, don't expect grandiose scores.tl dr : excellent stoner comedy made from A to Z to be enjoyed high, and it is enjoyable. This is the "I'm going to the toilet and stop smoking for a minute" moment of the movie, and having watched it 6 times, I guarantee it's more than welcome. There's one music scene that's a bit too long in the movie, but my personal theory is that they made this scene long on purpose to allow people a breather. Don't expect smart jokes most are gags or sophomoric humor, but it's the point.Finally, the music is of course very good with those two artists as main cast. They never let down, and they keep a constant quality through the movie.
Some might be uncomfortable with the rap slang though, be warned.The jokes in the movie follow the machine gun technique, which is making joke after joke on top of more jokes and visual or auditive gags. Educational shorts all about weed pop regularly through the movie, and they're hilariously stupid but pretty accurate, and overall really enjoyable. I repeat, there's really no point watching this movie if you aren't, and they explore a lot of ways to get high, promoting the use of vaporizers and edibles which are safer than smoking.

Contrary to some stoner movies like Half Baked, the characters really spend a lot of time smoking and being high, for your enjoyment remember you're high yourself. Wiz's performance is not award-worthy, but it's believable enough, and Snoop isn't even acting, he's just being Snoop Dogg, which works perfectly.
Wiz Khalifa plays Devin the nerd and Snoop Dogg plays the cool weed dealer Mac yeah. There are better sports to play if you don't have a bat.It follows a rather classic story of huge nerd turning cool guy by way of crazy antics, with a weed twist. It's just not made to be played without a bat. As Slow Burn puts it : you don't play no baseball with no bat. This movie was made expecting people to be high while watching it. Think of it that way : it's not a bad movie who becomes good because you're high, it's a movie which is MADE with a stoner audience in mind, every little detail and joke caters to a high audience.

Stoner comedy, and even more so than other stoner comedies, this one is designed from A to Z to be enjoyed high as a kite from minute one.